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Sebaceous Cyst

These lumps just beneath the skin, more appropriately called epidermal cysts, are common and harmless. The most important thing is to check with a doctor to properly identify them.

They are non-cancerous and not life-threatening, but they can be uncomfortable.

Skin cysts do not usually cause any problems, apart from their appearance. They are not usually tender, but their presence can be obvious to the touch.

If a cyst on the scalp catches on a brush or comb, for example, this may cause pain, but cysts are normally only painful if they become inflamed or infected.

Typically located on the head, neck, or torso, the cysts are firm, round, and sometimes movable, and grow slowly, sometimes to a few centimeters or more in diameter. They may be caused by injury to a hair follicle or other damage to skin. They are filled with a greasy material made of fat and keratin. There can be a familial tendency to developing sebaecous cysts.

If a cyst becomes infected or if you are bothered by it for any other reason, it can be surgically removed. This is a simple procedure, and usually requires stitches which are then removed in a few days. If it is only drained, it will probably quickly grow back again.

Lipomas can look like cysts, but are benign fatty tumors. They seem to run in families and also grow slowly. A doctor will often be able to tell you whether you have a cyst or lipoma by its look and feel, though you may need an ultrasound or other tests for a definite diagnosis. Lipomas can be removed if they are bothersome by being unsightly or uncomfortable.

While skin cysts can look bad, doing anything to them can make them worse. Picking, rubbing, or squeezing cysts is likely to cause damage and make any infection worse. It is also likely to increase the pain and worsen its appearance.

Dealing with skin cysts that are causing concern or producing symptoms means getting them seen by a doctor.

No Scalpel Vasectomy

Sperms are made in the testicles. Sperm leaves the testicles through two tubes called the vas deferens, and mixes with other fluids to make semen. The sperm in semen can cause pregnancy if it fertilises with a female egg.

A vasectomy blocks or cuts each vas deferens tube, keeping sperm out of the semen. Sperm cells stay in the testicles and are absorbed by the body. Starting about 3 months after a vasectomy, the semen won’t contain any sperm, so it can’t cause pregnancy. But a male will still have the same amount of semen he did before. Semen just won’t have any sperm in it.


Vasectomies don’t change the way of having an orgasm or how ejaculating feels. The semen will still look and feel the same after a vasectomy — it just won’t be able to get anybody pregnant.


What is a No Scapel Vasectomy?

Vasectomy is a simple surgical procedure performed under local anesthesia. The small tubes in the scrotum that carry sperm are cut and blocked off, so sperm can not leave your body and cause pregnancy. The procedure is quick, and a patient can go home after the procedure. Vasectomy is very effective for birth control.

Vasectomies are meant to be permanent — so they mostly can’t be reversed. You should only get a vasectomy if you’re 100% positive you don’t want to be able to get someone pregnant for the rest of your life.

The term “vasectomy” comes from the name of the tubes in your scrotum that are blocked during the procedure: vas deferens.

If you have decided you are done having children or do not want to have children you may consider having a vasectomy.


Advantages of No Scalpel Vasectomy

  • Vasectomy is a safe and highly effective approach to preventing pregnancy.
  • It is permanent, so there is no need to worry about birth control again.
  • The procedure is simple to do and usually involves only a small amount of discomfort.
  • There is a short recovery time after the procedure.
  • It is the most cost-effective of all birth control methods.
  • It is private. It is your choice if your partner knows about it.

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